Wednesday 4 June 2014


Our Jiu-Jitsu group is evolving quickly.

Back in September, there was a seminar in Seattle taught by Rener Gracie. Four of us went down.

In two weeks, there is another Rener Gracie seminar, this time in Richmond. About 20 of us are signed up. Granted, it will be possible to pop in for the day and still get back that evening by ferry, whereas Seattle required we spend two nights in a hotel, but still.

Last night, at our advanced class there were over a dozen of us on the mat. I believe that is a new record.

Currently, I am the only student with a two-stripe Blue Belt. Within the next couple of months this could change. Our 2 one-stripe guys are planning on testing for a Gracie University promotion. There are 4 more without stripes, who are due to receive their first locally-awarded stripes.

There are also a large number of White Belt students ready to make the move up to Blue. One has already recorded his exam, and is awaiting his results. There are about 5 or 6 more ready to start filming anytime.

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