Saturday 1 June 2013

Blue Wave

At Jiu-jitsu, things are going very well.

Lately, I've been complaining that the number of Blue Belts has been dropping. We've dropped to five. Of those, one barely comes at all, another misses sometimes due to work, and two are about to move away.

The good news is we're riding a crest of White Belts about to turn Blue. One gentleman received his promotion about a month ago, and another finished his test yesterday and is awaiting his results.

During the recent advanced White Belt class there were more participants than ever. Five eager students were there preparing for their own upcoming exams. Some might be ready to start in a couple of weeks.

This could mean a total of nine Blue Belts sometime soon.

This means a healthy training energy, with partners of every size, strength, and speed. If one person is away things roll on. As it is now, I'm sometimes the only student at the Blue class.

Maybe in a year the class will be a dozen. Better still.

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