Monday 22 February 2016

The Secret

Just what is it that makes Rener Gracie such an outstanding instructor.

Strangely, it isn't really his "teaching". He certainly is first class when explaning things to a class, or online. He gives just enough perfectly explained detail, but a lot of other teachers can also do this.

He shines beyond them all when the "teaching" is done, and the students begin to practice.

He does not go over notes, or look at his phone, or chat with spectators, or conference with other instructors.

For every second, he is rapidly circulating to every pair on the mat. If it is really crowded, he won't reach all, and if it isn't, he'll visit all several times.

When helping someone, he isn't joking or visiting. He has a focused expression, and his entire being seems only concerned with that particular student performing that particular movement correctly. If they already are, he watches with laser intensity, gives highly-specific quick feedback, and moves on.

For 100% of classtime, he is 100% focused on his students.

This is far more rare than you'd think.

It is also clearly someting he is choosing to do.

The benefits are obvious. During drill time, nobody gets to slip into the mindset of their practice not mattering. You can't let yourself "not get" the move, as any second Rener could whirlwind in and insist you do it right. Your progress will seem the most important thing in the world to him for that moment.

You can't go through one of his classes and think for a moment that he doesn't care.

It also keeps students on their toes. They all try hard, if for no other reason than Rener will be along soon to check on them.

I think they should make this a big part of their instructor training program.

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