Monday 8 February 2016


There is a nasty trend in video games.

Almost everything is multi-player. This is not a bad thing in itself, but some of us like just playing games all on our lonesome. I have tried multi-player, and find it a far inferior type of gaming..

So just what is coming up in the next few months that is both awesome, and is good for somebody who wants to go play alone?

There are two that are intriguing.

The first comes out on February 23rd. It will have no multi-player modes at all, at least with at its initial release. It is called Far Cry Primal.

In a way, it is very similar to a great many first-person shooter type games. However, it is absolutely unique in that there are no guns, or grenades at all. It is set back when people were hunter/gatherers, and the weapons are therefore clubs and stone-tipped spears.

It has enemy tribes, and fauna such as mammoths and sabre-tooth cats.

Quite a novel idea.

The second title comes out in March. It is called UFC 2, and is a new version of an earlier game.

I enjoyed the first game, but it had some very deep flaws. It seems that this do-over will be addressing all of my concerns, and it will therefore be a far superior version.

It seems that the graphics are also up a notch or two.

I look forward to playing both.

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