Tuesday 11 August 2015

Weight is Up

Ten days in Vernon with dear friends; what could go wrong?

For the most part, nothing. They are great people to go out with, or to stay in with, or to do projects with, or to just sit about with.

They are our cruise ship buddies. We've been shipboard with them over a dozen times. Most of the fun of that revolves around the dinner table.

...and the breakfast table, and the lunch table, and the in-between table, and assorted yummy snacks.

We kinda act the same way when we get together for a land vacation as well.

So after ten days of yumminess, my mass was up 8 pounds. Not worried, as that was my “arrive home” weight. Whenever it has shot up that quickly it tends to drop just as dramatically for about two days after things are back to normal.

People who don't know, or who are just gross, always think that it must be due excess material exiting the digestive tract. Nope.

Since my “arrive home” weigh in last night, I've eaten a bit, drank a bit, and slept. A little urination happened, but nothing special. No pooping at all.

My weight right now, which was up 8 pounds about 12 hours ago, is now only up 5.4 pounds. I predict this will drop as much as another pound tomorrow.

After that, it gets slow and normal. I'll have somewhere around 4.5 pounds to get rid of the old fashioned way.

My secret? I eat less than a person my size would consume to maintain weight. Nothing dramatic, but a few hundred calories per day. I also get much more active.

Today, there will be a bike ride of at least 10 km, and a similar length of running. The kicker will be over two hours of Jiu-Jitsu tonight.

The diet might shave enough calories to shrink me by a tenth of a pound a day, and the activity will be enough for up to half a pound more.

That, of course, assumes a perfect day. I only get two hours of Jiu-Jitsu a few days a week, and some days Helen is too busy to go bike riding, so I drop it. Sometimes I run daily; sometimes not.

Some days something yummy happens along, and I eat it.

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