Tuesday 9 September 2014

No advice to give

So here I am, an over-30-year veteran in the martial arts, and my brother-in-law turned to me for advice. He's interested in starting out, and wants something suitable for a guy in his 50s.

That's quite a puzzle. He lives in Victoria, and I can recommend both the Victoria Judo Club, and the University of Victoria Karate Club. Both are extremely well-run sources of instruction in highly reputable disciplines. If he were 20, I'd point him at both.

The problem is, he isn't 20 anymore. Both Judo and Karate will cripple him quickly. Mid-50s isn't even the same as being 40.

I could point him towards Tai Chi, but he is already into Yoga. Really, no advantage in Tai Chi for a Yoga guy.

Aikido? Maybe, but he'd need to find just the right instructor. I know no one in Victoria to recommend.

Sadly, there is no good option for an older person who wants to get into martial arts. Any style CAN work, but that's largely delendant on finding the right instructor.

I know a ton of otherwise great teachers who would be worse than useless for an older student.

My Jiu-Jitsu instructor would be fine, but we're a long way from Victoria.

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