Wednesday 10 September 2014

Dodging Bullets

There is a lot of dodging going on.

We left home on Thursday, and are heading back today; Wednesday.

The class I missed on Thursday was the last of a training cycle, and therefore review. I find this type of training important, but not as critical as the introduction of new material.

This week I'm missing the two classes that introduce the entire Half-Guard chapter. Yikes? But, it turns out to NOT be the case. The Guard chapter that we've just completed is so demanding that our instructor is adding two entire weeks of review. Instead of new material, I'm missing a reworking of Guard. Dodged a bullet there.

Later this fall, I'll be missing another week. This time it will land right on top of new material. Fortunately, I've already done half of it. For the remainder, I just happen to have three, prepaid private lessons stocked up. I'll be using one to go ever the part I don't already know, and drilling it during open mat times. Another land mine avoided.

Then...the big one hits. Right on top of the Leg Locks chapter. My two remaining private lessons will help, but won't be able to fully alleviate the "damage". I'll do what I can to mooch help from the other Blue Belts.

In a way, it doesn't really matter. There are no rules about catching everything except for my own desires. Whatever I miss will cycle around again in a little over a year, and I'll get it then.

Some bullets I can dodge, or minimize, and others will work themselves out eventually.

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