Monday 15 September 2014

Medical and Lenses

Chilling at Starbucks, and it's actually completely empty.

Just finished at the Doctor. Had a colonoscopy last year, and it was time to go back to see if I am lucky enough to need a second. Turns out I'm not, so can relax on that front.

I have had a life about as free from medical complications as is possible. I retired 16 months ago, and in that time I've had more doctorie stuff happening than in all of my preceding years combined.

Let's a new doctor, who wanted a bunch of basic tests done. That brought up an indicator for the aforementioned colonoscopy. Everything was OK, but while he was in there he removed a few wee polyps. That, in turn, lead to today's call back.

I also managed to hurt my knee bad enough to visit my new GP. She sent me off for an MRI, which was interesting. No specific injury, but it looks like I have osteo-arthritis starting up. Then it was about a month of physiotherapy.

With all the doctor visits, I asked about a stupid lump in the middle of my back. My new doctor cheerfully cut it out for me. This was yet another visit, and then another to get the resulting stitches removed.

Even all this is no problem. I'm the same as I was, except with a stupid knee. Along the way I've had a camera shoved up my butt, and (hopefully) another down my throat. Been to the lab a slew of times with disgusting little samples. Got to visit a place in Vancouver that looked at the insides of my leg in 3d. Had my leg manipulated, exercised, and ultrasounded. Had my back cyst removed and had me some stitches.

In comparison, the year before I had.....nothing....and the year before that....nothing....

About the most annoying thing isn't really considered medical at all.

Just about every teacher in our province has been covered by an eyeglasses benefit, except those in our district. In the absolute last couple of my working months, we got one as well. It is the worst I've ever heard of; $200 every 3 years towards a pair of glasses.

I got new glasses. For the first time ever, I went nuts. Fancy super-lite lenses in space age material frames. It all came to about a thousand bucks, of which I got back $200 from my employer. Still, the most expensive pair of glasses I've ever had.

Last week I put them on the roof of the car just-for-a-second while I removed my sweatshirt. I drove off, they fell off, and several cars ran over them.

And now I'm an old, retired guy on a fixed income. Still, need lenses. Got an appointment to update my prescription but will not be buying from them. With my new info in hand, I'm going online to get my new specs. The price difference is is obscene. I can get a pair, with lenses, and fancy coatings for about $80. I could get ten pairs for what I spent on my last glasses.

Anyhow, that should prove interesting. Until then, I'm in my back up set.

Hope I don't walk into anything, and end up at the doctor.

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