Friday 7 March 2014

Home Mat

Quiet night at Jiu-Jitsu. There were five Blue Belts, and an even dozen White Belts. A cool feature was that five of the White Belts were new faces to me. That's what two months away will do.

I was only there to watch as I've picked up a crummy virus. I couldn't train last night either, but observed at the Blue Belt class. There were seven present then.

So why not stay home if I'm a bit under the weather? I don't want to miss the new material that the Blue class is covering. I'm sure I could pick it up later, but want to use all my free time on the mat to review what I did in California. I figure that will be my most efficient use of time.

The Guard Sweeps stuff is all quite fresh, but I haven't done Guard Submissions in a month and a half. They have faded greatly. In Torrance we moved away from Guard Submission Counters three weeks ago, so they are somewhere in between.

I intend suiting up on Friday and Saturday. There are free mat times on both days and I want to get reviewing and remembering. There will be other people there. Maybe they'll want to work with me, or maybe not.

I hope someone does help. They would learn the techniques they assist me with and there would then be two brains to retain the knowledge, and not just one.

Two is better.

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