Sunday 16 March 2014

New Rules

I train in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. They have three types of training.

You can train directly with Rener and Ryron Gracie down in Southern California, or through their online distance program called Gracie University. My situation is sort of half way in between.
I train at one of their Certified Training Centers.
All of their programs are great, but their system of rank progression has left a lot to be desired.
Most martial arts award their practitioners a Black Belts after about five years of training. Down in LA, it is possible to earn a Gracie Black Belt in about 11 years. It's a long road.
Being away from the center meant an even longer journey. To earn a Black Belt took 24 years. That isn't a typo.
The program, however, is only five years old. The Gracies chose to err on the side of progression that is too tough, rather than too easy. They've now had a chance to see things in operation for a while, and have decided to change the process somewhat. Rank progression has become more in line with what happens at the main academy.
Under the new system, a distance Black Belt can be earned in about 14 years. This is still longer than if one can train directly with the Gracies, but is much closer than it was.
My rank was Blue Belt Stripe One under the old system. Under the new rules, I was already qualified to receive a second stripe. I received this promotion earlier this week. I am now a Blue Belt Stripe Two. This leaves two stripes left to go, and then the jump up to Purple Belt.
Under the old system, a Purple Belt was so far off as to seem unattainable. Now I can see it waiting for me about three years away.
The big jump from Blue to Purple, or from Purple to Brown does have one new requirement. They can only awarded after an in-person evaluation by the Gracies, or any of their authorized Black Belts.
This would have to occur at a seminar somewhere, at the Gracie Academy in California, or by bringing an evaluator in specially for the purpose. This is no biggie for me as Helen and I often visit the Los Angeles area.
A much improved system, in my opinion.

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