Tuesday 27 August 2013

What Kind?

I retired in April, and my wife followed me at the end of June. We've had two months together to figure out what kind of retired people we're going to be, but it hasn't happened yet.

In July we were only home for only 14 days and 7 days in August. The longest continuous stretch didn't quite reach a week in length.

We just haven't been able to establish any kind of routine at all.

Even when we do, it's going to be complicated.

I get up stupid early, and like to do things in the morning. Helen gets up a couple of hours later, and likes a slower start. I conk out between 9 and 10 at night, and Helen lasts a couple of hours longer.

Helen goes once per week to both her ukelele group and to fiddling. She often has at least one weekend gig, and is under pressure to get involved in other music groups as well. I go to martial arts almost every evening for a couple of hours, and also on Saturday morning. I also want to get out on my bike and to run daily.

Try slotting that all into some kind of schedule.

Maybe I've already explained the type of retired people we will be.

...and then there's travel.

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