Thursday 8 August 2013

More and Less

Is there such a thing as running boredom?

My routes in Vernon are all somewhat fresh and I was cranking out 10-15k per day. Back to equally nice, but more familiar runs and I'm managing about half the distance.

The only other obvious variable was temperature. Vernon is about 5 degrees hotter than the coast during the early-morning hours I run in. That could be a factor, but I doubt it. The weather is very pleasant in both locales; the kind of temperature that doesn't register on the skin at all.

It doesn't really matter as I am kicking my mileage goal's butt either way, just more so in Vernon.

Most of the remaining summer runs will maintain a coastal average. The only exception will be during an upcoming Alaska cruise.

The days of loading and unloading contain only one type of workout activity. This is the dreaded luggage clean-and-jerk.

There are 3 port days, and 3 shipboard days.

On port days Helen and I bike ride like maniacs over hither and yon. Plenty of cardio there. On ship days I run as much as I can stand round the deck and on the treadmills. Neither is very satisfactory but it's something. I can't comprehend how anyone can run on a treadmills as part of a regular routine.

Ships used to have heaps of free aerobics classes, but they've gone the way of the dodo. There are fancier sessions now with names like ki-bo, yoga, and pilates that come with matching fancy fees. I'm a cheap bastard.

Luckily, I never overeat on a cruise.

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