Friday 10 May 2013

Pooped out

Tonight the training was open mat. It is a non-structured time. I am there when the instructor opens the school, and usually a few more wander in later.

I worked on reviewing my level's techniques. When I finish the last of them in the fall, I want to be ready to start the exam process immediately. I don't want to have to relearn stuff. I am not a natural at Jiu-Jitsu, and the extra drill really helps me learn.

Along wandered Coco, Rob, and Tobias. They all usually practice a mix of Jiu-Jitsu and Hapkido, and then attend as members of the Hapkido class that starts later. Recently, Coco has been working exclusively on Hapkido, as in one week she'll be testing for her second-degree Black Belt in that art.

I then ended up free-rolling with Tobias; his idea. He desperately wants to improve. He is improving, but his biggest drawback is that he finds it very hard to not wrestle at full speed and power all the time. He's half my age, and has good endurance, but he always ends up beet-red and exhausted. I mostly just relax, let him try stuff on me, and then counter.

It gives me a chance to practice my stuff. I also give him clues when he hits a roadblock. I also try and get him to relax. Much of grappling is conserving energy. At twice his age, I should be the one to burn out first, but it's always him.

Last night in the Blue Belt class we mostly rolled. There were four of us. The smaller two stayed together, as did the larger two. That meant I was partnered with Ryan, our brand-new Blue Belt. He's the largest guy in the club, and strong as an ox, and half my age. He used to be one of the can't-relax guys but has come a long way. He still tires faster than me.

Most likely, Tobias will soon join us in the Blue Belt class, as will Wan, our mma fighter.

As soon as their cohort of new Blues really figure out how to relax, my biggest edge will be gone.

This will be a good thing. My knowledge is considerably ahead of their's. To remain competitive, I'll be forced to rely on skill, rather than just letting them burn out.

This will make me a better grappler, and in turn readier for the three free-sparring segments of my exam.

And just more awesome in general.

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