Monday 27 August 2012


I've been away for most of the summer. As a result I haven't been doing any regular training.

Karate has been shut down. Jiu-Jitsu was running for most of the summer but has also been down for the last two weeks.

The former resumes on September 1st, and the later on the 4th.

All I've been doing regularly has been running and biking....and eating.

When in Victoria there are a million great restaurants, and not a few Dairy Queens. Out time in Vernon was even more food intensive. The cruise? A whole other level of indulgence.

My weight is best at 175. After Vernon and Victoria it sat at a pudgy 182. Immediately after the cruise I weighed in at a prize-winning 189 pounds.

If you're counting, that's 14 pounds to get rid of. A little daunting, but not as bad as it sounds.

It takes a little time after a cruise binge to find out one's true weight. A day later I was down to 186. The real goal is only 11 pounds away.

Getting back into training will help a lot, as will a return to normal eating. Sadly, I have to go back to work, so my running will drop from 6 times a week down to only twice. The bike riding continues.

Less yummy stuff is half of the answer, along with portion control.

Neither is fun.

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