Tuesday 26 December 2017

General Lumpishness

I like Christmas as much as the next guy, but it sure looked to be a horror show for my training.

What with all the visiting, and being visited, and travel, and travel back, and academy closure, and Vancouver academy closure, it was pretty severe.

Part of the good news was that of the 100 classes needed to qualify for promotion, I had 81 in the can before the festivities started.

It looked as if there could be as many as 20 days without even a single second of mat time. In a similar non-holiday period of training, there would normally be 15 advanced classes. I prepared myself for there to be none at all.

The first break came when both my home academy and the one in North Vancouver announced that a normal schedule classes would start after only 19 days instead of 20. That meant that with a bit of ferry and bus travel, I would get to 2 classes instead of the much less satisfactory number of zero.

Then Marc later decided to have North Vancouver classes resuming almost a week earlier than that. This was nice, but didn’t immediately make a difference, as we might still be in the thick of family festivities.

A couple of days ago, this changed a tad as some of our scheduling shifted. It could very easily and happily shift back, but it might just get me 2 more classes.

Instead of zero classes, I might get to as many as 4. Instead of my total sticking at 81 until well into January, it could just creep up to 85. For somebody who likes to get the attendance goal done as quickly as practical, that tiny difference is nice.

A very good aspect of all this relaxation is how much my body is managing to shake off my collection of little injuries. My back was wonked back before the shutdown, and working out was slowing its recovery. It feels as right as rain now, or possibly snow. I also have an arm injury that is absolutely loving the time off. It improves with every day that passes.

I have also enjoyed a fair amount of sitting about with family, including watching a nephew kill strangers from around the world on his xBox.

The only negative is a general feeling of lumpishness. A run up and around the university was considered, but then put off until just perhaps possibly tomorrow; or not.

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