Monday 21 November 2016

Coal Miners Despair

Saw a story on a news magazine show the other night. It was one that our pvr collected, and patiently had waiting for us while we were in Hawaii. It was aired before the American election.

It showed a small town in West Virginia, that use to be booming when coal was king, but is currently only a shadow of what it was. Most of the place was boarded up, and the remaining population is mostly subsisting on welfare and food stamps. The best off were perhaps those old enough to be collecting social security.

They aren't expecting miracles, but in desperation were throwing their support overwhelming in favour of Donald Trump.

Over and over, townspeople said, “what have we got to lose?”

I felt for this town, and its people, and their desperation. They saw Clinton as being a continuation of an economy that had left them behind, and a government doing nothing for their situation. No wonder they were hoping that Trump, as an unknown quantity, would help them. Surely he would have to?

They were banking on hope, thinking that anything new would be better, except it won't.

Why would Trump care about resuscitating the coal mines?

But surely it won't get worse?

Trump is all about cutting taxes on the super rich, and selling it as repackaged trickle-down economics. This is a justification by rich folks for paying less than their fair share, and has been repeatedly debunked as nonsense.

To pay for Trump's tax cuts for the super rich, he is going to cut existing programs, and cut deep.

He and his cronies want to do away with Social Security, slash welfare programs, and do away with Medicare and Medicaid, and to gut education. They are also anti-union, and want to eliminate the minimum wage.

The desperate people in places like West Virginia have voted for the very person who will do everything he can to destroy what remains of their communities and their lives.

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