Tuesday 26 October 2021

Lumpy Random


Our Jiu-Jitsu school is perched on the rocky Pacific coast of Canada. The town is very tiny, and our number of students reflects this. There are only 9 members in our advanced class.

Within the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu system, each individual has their own pattern of promotion timing. There are several requirements in changing rank, but the most rigid is the 8-month minimum time between promotions.

This timing is unique for every student, and evolves over time based on their overall readiness, and attendance, as well as outside factors like family and careers.

Out of our advanced group, I know the approximate next dates for 7 of the 9 people.

Let’s start with Sam. I think he received the first stripe on his Blue Belt back in February. His attendance is fine, and he’s always working on something. If my memory is correct, he should be getting a second stripe in October, which is this month.

Also in February, Ryan was awarded a Purple Belt in a surprise presentation. This means he might also be in line for a stripe very soon.

February was a busy month around here. On the 20th of that month, 3 students went through a gruelling evaluation process, and earned themselves Brown Belts.

That means that altogether 5 of our 9 advanced students are likely being considered for promotion as I am writing this blog entry. I don’t know if any or all of them have completed their attendance requirements, and even if they have done so promotion is ultimately at the discretion of our Black Belt instructor.

There is also another, smaller group within the 9. Another Brown Belt and I always come up for consideration at the same time.

That only leaves 2 students unaccounted for in my little tale. Perhaps their dates also correspond with the big group-of-five, or the little group-of-2. Perhaps if they do not, they could by chance form another group-of-2, or maybe they are off on their lonesomes someplace else in the calendar.

There is no reason that things have lined up so neatly, but it’s always interesting to note patterns that pop up in life. With all of us working away individually one would expect us to be spread out all over the calendar in a random fashion.

We are not.

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