Tuesday 10 November 2020

History of No Threat


I really don't understand why the American right is always so terrified at the prospect of having a Democrat for a president. The best that I can figure out is that they are scared Democrats are going to take away their guns and that they are all socialists.

I am pretty old, and the first president that I really became aware of was Lyndon Johnson, a Democrat.

He came to power after Kennedy was killed, and got elected one term after that. He never went after people's personal firearms and didn't do anything commie at all.

He had two big legacies. The right-wingers seemed to love his Viet Nam war but still hated the guy.

The other big thing he did was to powerfully push for civil rights. In case you don't remember his "Great Society," was aimed at rights for Blacks.

Then along came a Republican named Richard Nixon. He got elected twice, although he was forced to resign before his 8 years were up.

Ford was Vice-President when Nixon went down and became president for about 2.5 years. He lost the office to a Democrat named Jimmy Carter.

Strangely, Carter never got around to rounding up people's guns or making the USA socialist state.

He was followed by 2 terms of Reagan and one of George W. Bush; both Republicans.

Next came another scary Democrat, Bill Clinton. The right really, really seemed to hate that guy. Luckily, he only had 8 years in office, which I suppose meant he didn't have enough time to get started on his secret cunning play to strip the American people of their guns or to pull any socialist nonsense.

Then it was 8 more Republican years under a second George Bush.

Then another Democrat took over, and this one was a Black guy named Barak Obama.

He also had 8 years in office, and he left people's guns totally alone. He did try and create a plan whereby all Americans would get medical insurance. The Right seems to think this was the thin edge of the wedge of creeping communism. Really it was an attempt to arrange for all Americans to have access to medical care.

Then it was 4 long years of Mister Trump.

Just days ago, he lost the presidency to Joe Biden, another Democrat.

And what are the right-wingers whining about, other than the loss in general? They think Biden is after their guns and is a socialist.

So, to recap, there was Johnson, Carter, Clinton, Obama, and now Biden.

None of them have banned guns or set up a socialist state. In any other modern, industrialized state they would have been considered on the right-wing side of the spectrum, but in the USA they are evil lefties.

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