Tuesday 27 October 2020

Covid Days


It is the time of Covid-19.

For my wife and me, it has meant a smaller life than usual. Everything is still very pleasant, but we do less.

Since things started getting bad in North America we have not traveled at all. Normally, between April and the end of October, we would have gone to Victoria at least once, and also to Vernon. There would have been a week or two on a cruise to Alaska with friends. We already had a Mediterranean trip for a month partially booked, but that got shut down as well. In those 7 months, we would have been away at least 20% of the time.

There would also have been a few Vancouver trips for shopping and such, and I would have gone there probably 20 times for training. We've only been over once to get our car serviced.

Around home, there is less of everything as well. Helen is normally with her music groups for at least three sessions per week, and I would be on the mat at Jiu-Jitsu even more than that.

During the good weather, Helen went to a few outdoor, socially-distanced, mask-wearing music sessions, but those have gone into hibernation.

I had a few sessions with a friend on the mat I have at home, but when his life opened up a bit had to end it. More recently, another friend and I have been getting together a bit. This will be ending as well as he has a medical procedure happening in a few days that will shut him down, perhaps until the New Year.

So what do we do? I run, Helen sews, and we walk daily together. I play more video games, and we both watch more TV. Things are very quiet indeed. I don't even write much in my blog.

There will be no change in November, or in December. Our normal Christmas for almost forever has been to visit with dear family in Victoria for a week or two. We may still go over, but our current leaning is to stay home. Nothing is carved in stone.

January will be the same and on through the winter and into spring.

We can't see things going back towards normal until vaccines become readily available, or effective treatments.

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