Friday 13 September 2019

Autumn Heat

The weather seems to have gone bad early this year. There may still be some good autumn days coming, but if there are it will be a plus. The change has already happened.

You should also understand that in this area, autumn can start anywhere from early September until the middle of October. As a kid, it doesn’t matter how cool your costume is, you’ll be wearing a coat over it on Halloween.

Winter come can hit anywhere from Halloween and Mid November. There is no version of this story that has the temperature staying comfortable very long after we have left August behind.

The calendar lies.

In our household this leads to a struggle for control over the thermostat. Helen tries to stay hearty over the cold in favour of not paying for heat. I am not so thrifty, and like being comfortable.

This year, there should be no problem.

Before it gets really nasty, we are getting onto a cruise ship that will be hauling us to Honolulu and taking ten days to do it. This will be followed by another ten days on the beaches of Maui.

The ship trip will start its run in cool weather, but that doesn’t matter. There is no issue about thrift. We set the dial at whatever makes us happy in our cabin.

In Maui we will be more concerned with air conditioning than with heat.

Then we fly home, into weather three-weeks colder than when we left. We’ll get home with our sun-baked bodies, seriously shivering as we navigate the buses in Vancouver.

The only cure to the cold in our house will be to crank up the heat. Gas will flow, and electricity sparkle. It will feel good.

And it will be done. The heat will be on.

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