Wednesday 25 October 2017

No Commute

So today the ferries are messed up.

There is a 45 minute delay listed on the BC Ferries website for the boat that I need to take, with the only explanation being, “Mechanical difficulties with vessel.” There is no other explanation, and the Vancouver traffic radio channel didn’t even mention a thing about any delay in their ferry report.

This means, at best, that the boats would run 45 minutes late all day. If this were the case, I could still get into North Vancouver to train. If the delay were to remain at exactly 45 minutes, the beginner class would still be possible in addition to the advanced session. Getting home would also work fine, and I’d make it to the evening advanced class here at home.

However, travel on the ferry has to line up with the city buses, which a 45 minute delay totally messes up. This would have me missing my connections, which would add at least a half hour in each direction. That means no beginner class in Vancouver, and possibly even make it impossible to get back home in time to get to our local advanced class. This version of events has me giving up a local class in exchange for a day of worry, ferry riding, and bus riding, all to gain a single similar class in the city.

Unfortunately, the ferry corporation hasn’t seen fit to give any sort of assurances as to the “mechanical difficulty,” being fully rectified. What if the delays continue to grow or, heaven forbid, the ferry should break down altogether? This could see me stranded for hours until they manage to hobble together some sort of service. I might miss all of today’s classes everywhere, and have wasted an entire day; only getting home late at night.

All of this makes it clear that going riding the ferry is a very bad idea today. Going to the city is off the table. Staying home, and attending our local advanced class this evening is what is now on the planning board.

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