Sunday 22 November 2015


I've loved Sundays for all of my adult life.

I used to regularly work Saturdays, so maybe that set in my love of Sundays so much. Helen always preferred Saturdays, as it meant there was more of the weekend left.

Now, we are both retired and it's kind of silly to prefer one day of leisure over another, but I still really like Sundays.

For many years we used to head out for Sunday buffet brunch. That seems to have gone out of style around our home, as none of the restaurants do that anymore. Sometimes, we still go out for bacon and eggs, and it's always a fun treat.

Today it's Sunday, and the sky is bright. Helen has something written on her calendar, so I don't think a restaurant breakfast is in the cards. It doesn't matter. Things still have that lazy, Sunday feel.

These days I am remarkably scheduled up for a retired dude. I have Jiu-Jitsu classes to attend just about every day, sometimes two. None are on Sunday. I like Jiu-Jitsu a lot, and look forward to it, but it's kind of nice to have a day when none is possible. Rest day.

So, sooner or later Helen will head off to her activity, whatever it is. I might have pants on by then, but maybe not. In either my pyjamas or pants, I'll most probably still be lodged firmly in my big, puffy chair.

There are recorded fights to watch, and video games to play. It is possible that I'll feel like chores, but it's just as likely that I won't.


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