Monday 6 July 2015

It's all about me

At Jiu-Jitsu, I'm pretty selfish. The kicker is that people keep thanking me for it.

It is a great activity, but it's pretty difficult to do very much alone. Motivated partners are vital. I want to be as good at Jiu-Jitsu as possible, and that requires lots of practice, and that demands partners. Where to get them?

Recently, Cosme has been trying to prepare for and to film the final technical drill segment for his BBS1 exam. To do this, he needs a partner. We are the only two people who regularly show up on Saturday mornings. I offered to help.

The drill takes about 15 minutes when done full speed, and consists of a series of specific techiques, done in response to specific actions and reactions by the drill partner. Kinda like a very complex dance. I like training for this. More training makes me better.

He then asked if I would be his on-camera partner as well. I readily agreed. Doing more makes me better, which is my goal. We completed it last night.

All along, Cos kept thanking me for all the help. I should have been thanking him, but I didn't.

Koko also wants to complete her own BBS1 exam, but is nowhere as ready as Cos. She usually lives on-campus in the big city. She Is only home for the summer. I have been helping her in any spare time during class but it just isn't enough.

We therefore met for two evenings this last weekend so she could do extra drill. I am both tutor and partner as she brushes things up. She does the moves over, and over, and over.

I have agreed to be her on-camera partner as well, but things aren't at that stage yet.

Like Cosme, she keeps thanking me, and thinks it was all for her. I was even given a bag of blueberries out of gratitude. I should have been thanking her for the four hours of intensive drill and review. Again, I let my partner think I'm nicer than I really am.

I would therefore like to officially thank both Cosme and Koko for their recent help in making me better at Jiu-Jitsu. I am also glad that it was useful to you as well.

...and to anybody else that needs help. Please, feel free to ask, and I'll selfishly accept.

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