Friday 19 June 2015

Foot Deeply in Mouth

The coolest competition in Jiu-Jitsu is called Metamoris. The first event was put on in October of 2012. There have been 6 of them in total.

All have featured 6 matches, except for the most recent event, which had 8. That makes a grand total of 38 fights.

37 have had male competitors, and only one was between women.

Recently, the head of the event, Ralek Gracie tried to explain just why this is, and managed to stick his foot into his mouth several different ways in his short statement.

The basic premise of what he was saying is that he didn't think that women grapplers are a big enough audience draw. In this, he may or may not be right.

It was all the other stuff he said. He mentioned something about some people wanting to watch female grapplers if they are cute. He also said that female grapplers are into the pull-guard mentality, and that they don't fight in a manner that fits Metamoris's submission-only style.

How dumb is that?

I won't go after him just letting his mouth run, but will go after something that he must really believe; that women Jiu-Jitsu are into pull-guard tactics and would bring that along to Metamoris.

The 38 matches he has put on have overwealmingly consisted of top sport Jiu-Jitsu competitors, with a smattering of UFC fighters.

Every single one of them is tainted with the pull-guard mentality of sport Jiu-Jitsu. When fighting for points, and within short time limits, it's a viable strategy. Ralek doesn't seem to think this is a problem for the male sport Jiu-Jitsu competitors, just the women.

The single female bout that Metamoris did put on featured two top point Jiu-Jitsu competitors. I recall them going at it like manics, neither fighter exhibiting any hint of a defensive mind set. I tried to refresh my memory by re-watching the event. All of the fights used to be available on YouTube. All six of the matches from that event used to be there, but the Mackenzie Dern versus Michelle Nicolini bout is one of two that have been pulled down.

Anyhow, I'm going to label their match as a fully aggressive one. Therefore, 100% of the women fought for the submission.

In contrast, a significant number of the male bouts featured fighters who did not. Therefore, less than 100% of the males fought aggressively, and for submission.

Logically, the evidence would show that the women proved to do a better job.

This doesn't mean that they draw enough audience for inclusion. Personally, I would be more likely to watch an event which included female matches than if it didn't. I don't think I'm alone in this.

I suspect that Ralek is expressing what his own viewing decision would be if he were a consumer of Jiu-Jitsu programming, rather than a producer. He doesn't want to watch women's Jiu-Jitsu. Not good enough for his tastes, I suppose.

Do you remember what UFC president Dana White used to say about women's mma. He said women would NEVER fight in the UFC.

Now, a few short years later, Rona Rousey is just about the biggest drawing card in the UFC.

I love watching her fight, and it has nothing to do with wither or not she is “cute.” I've seen her training in real life, and consider her more terrifying than attractive.

She was the first American of either gender to ever win an Olympic medal in Judo. In all of her 3 amateur mma bouts, she won by armbar. The matches were 23, 24, and 57 seconds in duration.

She turned pro, and all of her subsequent opponents knew she was coming at them planning and to rip their arms off.

She won her first 4 pro fights, by armbar. None lasted even one minute.

This got her a shot at the Strikeforce Women's Bantamweight Championship. The champ did better than anyone else up to that time, lasting until 4 minutes and 27 into the first round, before Ronda snapped her arm.

Rousey defended that title once, winning by armbar in under a minute. The UFC, having bought Strikeforce, then created their own Women's Bantamweight Title, and awarded it to Ronda.

She has since gone on to defend her UFC title 5 times. Four ended in the first round, 3 by armbar, and one by knockout. The other fight lasted until a minute into the third round, and ended by....drum roll....armbar.

How could a fan of the UFC not want to watch Ronda Rousey fight, especially a fan of grappling?

To his credit, Ralek did mention that he would love to have Rousey fight at Metamoris, but that there is no way he could pay what would be necessary.

I consider this another nail in his coffin. He's had one very successful female bout, and would certainly include the world's dominant female fighter if he could get her, but that somehow other female fighters suck.

Now he's ignited a storm of hate from female Jiu-Jitsu practitioners.

The Gracies are known for being outspoken.

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