Tuesday 10 February 2015

Higher Reps

I have a stupid injury right now. My index finger has managed to get itself right racked up. It isn't serious, but with an upcoming visit to the Gracie Academy means I refuse to risk re-injury.

For a week or so I was off the mat, but still watching from the sidelines. I've been back in action for a couple of classes.

Starting to train again, I've arranged for safe partners to work with each night. Normally, we switch around every few minutes but I wanted to be sure and have people that I figure I can train safely with while injured. Last time, I arranged to work with Rob, and tonight Elizabeth. At rolling time, I've stuck to only working with Rob, or Elizabeth, or a couple of other trusted partners.

All has been well, and my finger hasn't gotten whacked, or squished, or hurt in any way.

That's good news, and exactly what was hoped for.

There has been another wonderful byproduct.

First let me explain how most people train. We get shown something, and get sent onto the mat to practice it for a few minutes. We take turns, and most run through about three reps each, and then stop, perhaps chat, and wait for the other people to finish.

That isn't my style at all. For me, repetition is the key. I like to keep repeating the drill until the instructor calls us back to the circle. Instead of maybe three reps, I'd much rather get in perhaps half a dozen. More, if there is time. It can be hard with a partner that runs out of steam much earlier.

When I was with Rob, there was no conflict between hi-rep me, and somebody low-rep. We both kept going, and it wasn't just that we are both hi-rep dudes. Maybe our first time through was slow, but all the rest were executed with increasing speed.

We didn't do anything creative, but just kept doing the drills, quickly, over-and-over.

I think he enjoyed it, too. I'd never noticed before that he is like me in this respect. Perhaps it was the security of us being partners for the entire time. We weren't just together for a few minutes.

I like working with everybody. For example; Scott is another hi-rep guy, but he likes to vary what he's doing each time. Elizabeth is very consistent, but is careful with her long-term shoulder issue, and is therefore low-rep. Everybody is different, and all are valuable partners for different reasons.

Rob was good for me, in a perfect-sync sort of way. Very good for me.

I look forward to working with him again.

We'll get us some drill done.

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