Wednesday 11 February 2015

Belts and Stripes Tonight

I got to Jiu-Jitsu about halfway through the White Belt class. Luca was wearing a Blue Belt for the first time. He's been working his way through the test, and it finally got submitted about a week ago. He passed. It's a big step.

The drills continued, and I warmed up. The session ended, and it was time for the Blue Belt class.

There were lots of us present, about a dozen. We sat in our usual circle, and Shawn started talking a bit about Luca's exam. He then announced there were a few more awards.

First was Scott. He was called up to receive his third stripe. Then it was my turn, also to a third stripe. The last promotion was for Elizabeth. She got her second stripe.

It's funny how important these belts become to us, and even the cute, little stripes.

The reason is that these little symbols represent a lot of time and effort to earn.

They are also linked. If you want a Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt some day, there are 16 of these little steps along the way. Luca has done the first, and Elizabeth has just reached the third. Scott has made it to the fourth.

That entire road, from start to finish, takes a minimum of 11 years.

In my own case, the goal isn't quite so lofty. I want to make it to Purple Belt some day. I am four steps along a road with six levels in it. Baring injury, I should make it in two more years.

So four of us hit milestones tonight.

And left them behind.

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