Sunday 29 March 2020

Quarantine Time

There are huge events afoot in the world. The future with COVID-19 is very uncertain.

You’d think that there would be a lot to write about, but strangely there isn’t. This blog is for fairly petty things, and all the small stuff is gone.

Helen and I got home from our California trip a couple of weeks early and have been on a mandated two weeks of self-isolation.

A friend dropped off groceries early on, and we’ve been merrily eating them, and our pantry and freezer food, ever since.

I went for a couple of runs early on, before the rules changed and said we shouldn’t, and managed to blow out my injured knee. It would mean my being off of Jiu-Jitsu, but everybody is off of Jiu-Jitsu anyway.

Our days are spent sitting about, doing chores, surfing the web, watching TV, and me playing video games.

The Jiu-Jitsu instructor in Vancouver has been doing some lessons online, which have been fun to watch, as have the Gracies in Los Angeles. Not real training, of course, but something.

We have 6 days left to go in our quarantine. Almost nothing will change when we are “free” except we can go to the grocery store on our own. Our recycling is piling up, and a visit to the depot would actually be a nice outing.

Other than that kind of thing, we will continue to isolate.

On the bigger level, the numbers continue to rise. There are something like 700,000 cases confirmed worldwide, and been over 32,000 deaths.

President Trump sounds like he wants to end the American lockdown too early, even though the USA has 125,000 confirmed cases and over 2,000 deaths.

On a personal note, we’re in the age category where we’re at some serious risk if we get the virus. There’s a 20-28% chance we’ll end up in the hospital, and if we do there’s about a 1-in-3 chance we’ll be in intensive care. Our chance of dying is in the 1-to-2% range.

These figure are not pleasant, but a lot of folks face odds that are significantly worse.

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