Sunday 22 April 2018

Old Roller

As Jiu-Jitsu people go, I don’t roll very much.

But what does that mean?

Today is Sunday. I’d say it’s been a pretty typical week, so let’s see just how much I’ve done.

Last Tuesday, Thursday, and today, there were no classes.

Monday; I rolled with one partner for five minutes.

Wednesday; rolled with Rob for about ten minutes before class started.

Friday; rolled with several people for every possible moment. I’d say this all added up to about half an hour.

Saturday; a five minute roll, and then I headed out.

So there was the week, and I rolled for a grand total of 50 minutes, spread out over 4 sessions.

As I said, it was pretty typical.

Sometimes I don’t roll at all at a given class, depending on how my body is feeling. I almost always manage to spar once, and after that judge if I should continue with a different partner.

Even if sparring time is longer than half an hour, which is rare, I cut myself off at about that point. I don’t want to get stupidly hurt due to being over fatigued.

This has all served me pretty well over the years. My injuries have been less frequent or significant than they would have been if I’d tried to keep up with the 20-year-olds. It has been a pace that I could sustain for the most part.

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