Thursday 15 June 2017

Longshot Bet

You can never, ever know.

Our advanced class currently has 6 regular members. There have been no injuries at all in quite a while.

The other night, we had a lovely lesson. The moves were simple, and easy to perform safely. No problem.

After that, we all rolled around for about half an hour. This is always safe enough, but even more so that time around. The instructions were to not worry about submitting each other, but rather to try different things, and also to allow them to happen when our partner tried theirs. We defended, but not to shut things down.

It was fun, and we changed partners every so often. All was well.

I was rolling with our instructor when the final round ended. Mere seconds after we stopped, his knee went boing. He was OK; it does that sometimes to him.

As we were gathering together at the time, everybody noticed, and both Tawha and Cosme said that their knees went out in the last roll, too. Worst of all was Rob, whose bum knee is of a different magnitude.

His went right out, and he could barely put any weight on it at all. Within a period of only a couple of minutes, 4 out of the 6 of us were hit with knee issues. There was no common cause; no similar movements, and nobody felt particularly tired. Seems like a fluke.

All were pretty much fine again by the next evening, even Rob. He wisely did everything carefully, and was still able to roll, although with some extra caution.

Four had been hurt, within minutes of one another, and all the injuries were to knees.

What are the odds of that?

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